Site Description
FEATURES: Equity Endeavor, Solar Power, Stormwater Management, Urban Farming
This fully outdoor site features 3 beautiful RainWise rain gardens, 5 large rainwater cisterns, a solar rooftop installation and a food garden with a complete compost system. These are all great actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint without a major remodel.
The church is home to a diverse, inclusive parish family that offers a food ministry, social justice education and action addressing climate change.
St. Andrews Episcopal Church is part of the solution for stormwater pollution. Our RainWise installation keeps almost 100,000 gallons of stormwater out of the sewer every year. The Creation Keepers committee has celebrated Earth Day, installed solar panels, and encouraged recycling, composting, and use of real dishes! We work closely with the important Sacred Ground committee to care for bees and an organic garden on our sacred grounds. There will be periodic tours of the RainWise installations and these other features throughout the day.
Our Sacristy Piscina (the special sink that empties into the earth for the consecrated communion wine). We contracted with a Native American sculptor to create an aesthetically pleasing outside piscina basin crafted from native basalt stone. It emphasizes the visual and theological connection between the altar of celebration/sacrifice and the earth.
Our RainWise Installation – Unlike pipes and treatment plants that collect and clean polluted runoff after it travels for miles, Green Stormwater Infrastructure uses plants, trees, soil, and engineering inspired by natural drainage systems to manage stormwater where it falls. By mimicking natural processes, we protect our waterways AND enjoy numerous other benefits. Green Stormwater Infrastructure such as rain gardens increase the number of trees and plants in our neighborhoods, provides habitat for pollinators, improves air quality, and naturally replenishes groundwater. Installing nature-based drainage solutions on both public and private property helps Seattle to be a sustainable and resilient city.
Seattleites may get rebates for rain gardens and cisterns.
To receive a rebate, you must live in an eligible combined sewer overflow (CSO) basin. Check to see whether your property is eligible for a RainWise Rebate for a cistern, a rain garden, or both: