E3 21 Acres Center

13701 NE 171st Street
Woodinville, WA 98072
11 AM TO 5 PM

Site Description
FEATURES: Advanced Building Envelope, Design Innovation, Electric Vehicle Charging, Urban Farming, Materials Conservation, Solar Power, Stormwater Management, Water Conservation, Zero Waste Policy
CERTIFICATIONS: Built Green, LEED Platinum
21 Acres is a dynamic place for dialogue, testing, improvements, adjustments, and changes that inspire people to think about systems differently. You’ll find us deeply engaged in food and environment issues in and around our building, in the kitchen, on the farm, and with community partners.
Celebrating Spring!
It's First Saturday in the 21 Acres Market, Saturday May 4th, and we're Celebrating Spring in conjunction with the Sammamish Valley Spring Celebration weekend. In addition to Farm Market demos and sampling all day, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m, special family-friendly activities include:
-Audubon Society Plant Sale, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
-Puget Sound Goat Rescue, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
-Green Building Tours, 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
-Plant Medicine Walk, noon
The event is free and open to all ages. For more information visit 21acres.org.
The Building
Our main building here at 21 Acres often sparks conversation. It was one of the first LEED Platinum certified buildings in the greater Seattle area and visitors enjoy discovering its ever-evolving environmentally-friendly features. Most things here are American-made, sourced as locally as possible, and take into account fair labor practices. Every choice is a mindful choice.Stop in and experience our Center and see what’s happening on campus.
21 Acres was awarded LEED Platinum Certification in 2013 by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in the category of LEED for New Construction v2.2 rating system. The 12,000 square foot building was awarded the highest Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification for its integration of innovative building and on-site systems.
Surrounding Grounds
Situated at the northern point of the Sammamish Valley in one of King County’s five Agriculture Production Districts, 21 Acres is a gateway to beautiful farmland with some of the most fertile soils in the nation. The Center is also near the Sammamish River Trail system which ties into the popular Burke-Gilman Trail, connecting 175 miles of regional trails. Here, are access points to tour sustainable farms, see food growing firsthand, and have experiential opportunities to play a role in local food systems.
Proof of Concept
As we conceptualized 21 Acres, our goal was to create both an example and a catalyst for change – a place to entice interested individuals and like-minded organizations to explore and learn about agriculture, food, the environment, and what it takes to live sustainably. Striving for LEED Platinum Certification was a way to prove that green building could be done well on a farm at a time when many design professionals and construction trades had just begun to think about alternative approaches.